Archive for the Nyhedsbrev Category

January news letter – Do you feel sluggish in the winter?

Kære/Dear, I hope you have arrived well in January and the New Year? Did you make any New Years resolution and how is it going keeping them? In the West we have developed this idea, that New Year is the time to make new habits and plan

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Kobbeå in Autumn

Kobbeå in Autumn

It was a cold day in November when we visited Kobbeå and Stavehøl waterfall. The autumn colours were so beautiful. Stavehøl waterfall is on the Island of Bornholm, Denmark, in the Baltic sea, just south of Sweden. A “Kobb” is the name of the piece of wood

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Autumn Garden Tour with Solveig Egebjerg

Autumn Garden Tour with Solveig Egebjerg

Autumn Newsletter :

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Nyhedsbrev – My Gardening Angel: August 2016

Nyhedsbrev – My Gardening Angel: August 2016

Right now we have a family from San Diego staying with us. They were supposed to be here for a week, but they will be here at least 2, because they cannot get themselves to leave. They fell absolutely in love with Bornholm and our yoga farm

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Newsletter 15th September 2016

Newsletter 15th September 2016

The Science behind Yoga. I think you might really enjoy watching this 26 minute documentary called “The science behind yoga” I also want to remind you about our retreat with John Stirk in the end of september. Im starting to look forward to Johns unique teachings! Last

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Godt Nytår, kærlig hilsen Bornholm Yoga & Retreat Center

Godt Nytår, kærlig hilsen Bornholm Yoga & Retreat Center

Ligenu, her på bornholm, skinner solen og det sner Vi har lavet en nytårs-video-hilsen til dig English: From Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center we wish you a happy new year.
*This time the video is in Danish, but basically I’m talking about what I find most important for

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Iyengar-yoga-sprællenisse…og noget lidt mere seriøst

Iyengar-yoga-sprællenisse…og noget lidt mere seriøst

Vi har lavet en 2 min. video til dig om Google yoga sprællenisser, om en lille frustration over yogavideoer og om at vinde en dejlig sund kogebog 
(vi trække lod om kogebogen i slutningen af denne uge og du er automatisk med i lodtrækningen når du modtager

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Newsletter 30th July 2015

Newsletter 30th July 2015

Dear/Kære, Rain, wind, a bit of sun, rain, a pause, more rain. To say it mildly, the Danish summer hasn’t been the warmest this year. Our garden however is loving all the rain, we just harvested 118 garlic and there is more to come. Onions, zuccini, potatoes,

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Newsletter 9th June 2015

Newsletter 9th June 2015

Kære/Dear, Ahh summer has finally arrived… Our next retreat coming up is John Stirk, one of Engand’s leading yoga teachers. In this video John Stirk talks about what happens when deep inner peace arises –  and that it’s not about trying to stop the mind, but rather

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Spring on Bornholm : Newsletter May 9th 2015

Spring on Bornholm : Newsletter May 9th 2015

Right now the beech trees are unfolding their leaves here on Bornholm. It is that magical transition from bare winter trees to lush bright bright green and flowers everywhere. We went for a walk last week, Ian put on his butterfly wings and filmed this 3 min. beautiful

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Om Solveig Egebjerg

Jeg har 20 års erfaring i at arbejde med krop og sind. Jeg er her for at inspirere dig til at være tilstede lige nu, se og mærke dig selv bevidst, klart og kærligt.

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Røbrovej 9, Gudhjem, Denmark
Phone: (0045) 42 30 77 16

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