
Hugelkultur part 2 :  Picking Pumpkins

Hugelkultur part 2 : Picking Pumpkins

Solveig Egebjerg harvest's Hokaido pumpkins from our HugelKultur raised beds.

Spring On Bornholm

Spring On Bornholm

The lovely lovely Spring near Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center - Ian put on his butterfly wings to show you ;-)



This video shows our Shed waggon and caravan and some of the accommodation in our place.

The Scent of India

The Scent of India

Buying perfume and incense in the market in Mapusa, Goa, India

Making a New Kitchen Garden & Hugelkultur Beds

Making a New Kitchen Garden & Hugelkultur Beds

This video shows how we made out new kitchen garden and Hugelkultur raised beds in November 2014.

Bornholm By Helicopter

Bornholm By Helicopter

This is a beautiful video showing the coastline of Bornholm from a helicopter created for Destination Bornholm. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

A Walk Around Hammerknuden

A Walk Around Hammerknuden

I went for a beautiful walk around Hammerknuden 5th of january with Ian and my good friend Christina. This is the video that Ian made from it.

Autumn in Bornholm 2012

Autumn in Bornholm 2012

It was a beautiful November day at Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center and time for Solveig to display her Autumn harvest with a cozy cup of tea in the greenhouse

Rush Hour On Bornholm

Rush Hour On Bornholm

It's a busy life here, especially if you are rushing to get to work. Our yoga center is close to a beautiful forest where you can get close to nature and experience the local wildlife

Horses In The Snow

Horses In The Snow

A sunny February morning at Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center. Solveig does a a few yoga stretches with the horses and then gallops with them through the snow


Om Solveig Egebjerg

Jeg har 20 års erfaring i at arbejde med krop og sind. Jeg er her for at inspirere dig til at være tilstede lige nu, se og mærke dig selv bevidst, klart og kærligt.

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