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Hugelkultur part 2 : Picking Pumpkins
Solveig Egebjerg harvest's Hokaido pumpkins from our HugelKultur raised beds.
Spring On Bornholm
The lovely lovely Spring near Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center - Ian put on his butterfly wings to show you ;-)
This video shows our Shed waggon and caravan and some of the accommodation in our place.
Making a New Kitchen Garden & Hugelkultur Beds
This video shows how we made out new kitchen garden and Hugelkultur raised beds in November 2014.
Bornholm By Helicopter
This is a beautiful video showing the coastline of Bornholm from a helicopter created for Destination Bornholm. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
A Walk Around Hammerknuden
I went for a beautiful walk around Hammerknuden 5th of january with Ian and my good friend Christina. This is the video that Ian made from it.
Autumn in Bornholm 2012
It was a beautiful November day at Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center and time for Solveig to display her Autumn harvest with a cozy cup of tea in the greenhouse
Rush Hour On Bornholm
It's a busy life here, especially if you are rushing to get to work. Our yoga center is close to a beautiful forest where you can get close to nature and experience the local wildlife
Horses In The Snow
A sunny February morning at Bornholm Yoga and Retreat Center. Solveig does a a few yoga stretches with the horses and then gallops with them through the snow